Did you do a Black Friday promotion this year?
Now that it has come and gone, I am ready to share my numbers with you and share the five lessons that I learned in the process. In this episode of Serve Scale Soar®, I’m sharing all of the details of how it went and what I will do differently or the same next year.
So if you have been wondering if Black Friday is something you should implement in 2023 or if you just love hearing the juicy details of a launch, this episode is for you.
It’s been a couple of weeks since I ran this sale and I now have all of my numbers, debriefs, and thoughts together about it all and I’m ready to chat!
I’m not a fan of discounting services or my main offers because I know that the price is right and the people who purchase are already getting an incredible deal. This year, however, I decided to take a course on running a Black Friday sale and I ran a sale on some of my new low-ticket offers so that I could donate some profits to help those impacted by the hurricane.
Value Bombs:
- Why I decided to have a Black Friday offer
- Why you should use what you already have
- Why you shouldn’t give it away for free
- My experience with the Black Friday program I purchased
- Why you should have SLO funnels instead of freebies
- The importance of having a plan and starting early
- What I learned about pricing during this promotion
- My final numbers from this sale
If you’re thinking about having a Black Friday sale in 2023, remember these five lessons! Take what I learned and maybe yours will be even better, especially if you apply these tips. Just remember, you never have to discount your services, it’s not worth it!
Did you have a Black Friday sale? How did it go? I’d love to hear about it! Send me a DM on Instagram and share the details.
Resources Mentioned:
Episode 130: How To Increase Your Revenue and Find More Clients Using Tiny Offers with Allie Bjerk
** This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you if you use one of the links to purchase. This helps keep the podcast going and I only share products I have used, tested and love.”
Additional Resources
Don’t forget to sign up for my free training >> How to Scale to Consistent 10K Months Without Hiring a Team
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Meet Brandi
Brandi Mowles is the host of the Serve Scale Soar® podcast which is a podcast dedicated to helping service-based entrepreneurs scale their online business to five-figure months so they can soar into six-figure years. Brandi is a wife, mom and in less than one year, created a six-figure business. Now she is spilling all her secrets so you can too.