Wow! March 2020 will definitely be one for the history books! In today’s episode, we are going behind the scenes of my business to find out how I generated $67,000 and why my expenses were over $39,000.
March was a month full of pivots- in our lives and in our business. I have been planning my first live event and mastermind retreat for months. Venues, flights, and hotels were booked and all of the details were finalized. Then the coronavirus hit and suddenly we had some BIG decisions to make- continue with a live event or switch everything to virtual last minute.
We are diving deep into the details of my income and expenses, new team members to Brandi and Co., and you will find out why I watched Tiger King, not once, but twice!
March has been a month filled with madness, but we pivoted and made the best out of the situations we were presented with and ultimately had an amazing month!
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Value Bombs:
- The importance of pivoting in your business when you need to
- The challenge of converting a live event to virtual
- My feelings behind a 98% virtual show-up rate
- The value of good laughter
- Why you shouldn’t feel bad about charging your clients right now
- The incredible power of masterminds
- The importance of saving for training and education expenses
- Creating SOP’s to plan for unexpected events
- Why I spent $12,000 on one program
- Working from a place of gratitude
This month was hard for a lot of people, but I also saw many wonderful things happening in the Serve Scale Soar community. Some of the members pivoted and started working with local businesses to get them online quickly. Other members are having their best months and I feel incredibly grateful for the businesses we are creating together.
I learned that when you know your numbers, stay on track, and plan ahead, you can accomplish your goals despite unexpected circumstances. So, keep on doing what you’re doing. Keep on impacting people’s lives and showing up to serve your clients!
See you next week!
By the way…..have you heard about my brand new free training?! This training is for anyone who’s ever considered running Facebook ads for their clients. During this three-part online training, you will learn how you can confidently start and grow your ads business and close high-quality clients. Make sure to register >> 3 Steps to Consistently Close High-Quality Facebook and Instagram Ad Clients
Resources Mentioned:
Episode 28: Income Report: Breaking Down How I Generated over $101,000 in January
Additional Resources:
Don’t forget to sign up for my free training >> How to Scale to Consistent 10K Months Without Hiring a Team
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Listener Shoutout
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Meet Brandi
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Brandi Mowles is the host of the Serve Scale Soar podcast which is a podcast dedicated to helping service-based entrepreneurs scale their online business to five-figure months so they can soar into six-figure years. Brandi is a wife, mom and in less than one year, created a six-figure business. Now she is spilling all her secrets so you can too.