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Systems & Tools

39: Behind The Scenes Of Creating A Six-Figure Boutique Agency With Meg Witt


Are you a freelancer who aspires to have your own boutique agency? How do you manage a team and still run a profitable business? What are some of the roadblocks you might come up against along the way?

In this episode, we’re going to hear a different perspective on scaling a service-based business.  Meg Witt is the owner of Six Figs, a boutique agency that provides coaching, branding, and business support services to female entrepreneurs.

Meg talks about her jump from corporate into the world of entrepreneurship.  She will show us how she built a 6-figure boutique agency in a year and a half-  all without debt!

 We get into the nitty-gritty of the challenges she overcame along the way.  We chat about building a team, setting up systems, and serving multiple clients– all without sacrificing your family life.  

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Value Bombs:


  • The first steps to take when working for yourself
  • Outsourcing for growth
  • Paying your subcontractors well, while still being mindful of your profit margins
  • How Meg offers a combination of hourly and packaged services
  • Hiring for others vs hiring for yourself
  • Creating an open-door policy for your team
  • What tools Meg uses to run her agency
  • Pricing your hours and services according to the value you provide
  • The problem with setting goals too high
  • Being a ‘one-stop-shop’ vs niching down
  • When and how to make the first hire in your business


I know many of you have questions about creating your own boutique agency. You might be wondering how to bring on subcontractors.  What should you pay them?  Are they client-facing? What profit margins should you strive to hit with an agency? 

I loved having Meg on the show today to break down what it’s like to run an agency.  I don’t believe there is a right or wrong way to run your business.  Whether you decide to scale your business as a solopreneur or with a team, there will be challenges and roadblocks along the way.  True growth happens when you are able to adjust and overcome them.  

Remember to go out this week and serve your clients, scale your business, and soar into that six-figure year you deserve. 




Links Mentioned on Today’s Episode: 


Episode 37: March Income Report $67,000 Generated: Corona, Tiger King, and $39K in Expenses

Episode 33: Income Report: Trolls, Life, and Lessons Learned While Generating Over $59,000 in February

Episode 28: Income Report: Breaking Down How I Generated over $101,000 in January


Where to Find Meg

Find Meg on Instagram

Listen to Meg’s Podcast


Additional Resources:


Don’t forget to sign up for my free training >> How to Scale to Consistent 10K Months Without Hiring a Team 

Subscribe to the Podcast

Follow Brandi on Instagram 

Follow Brandi on Facebook

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Meet Brandi

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Brandi Mowles is the host of the Serve Scale Soar podcast which is a podcast dedicated to helping service-based entrepreneurs scale their online business to five-figure months so they can soar into six-figure years. Brandi is a wife, mom and in less than one year, created a six-figure business.   Now she is spilling all her secrets so you can too.


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