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Serve Scale Soar® Podcast

62: How Hollie Lowes Went From Broke Backpacker to a High-Income World Traveler


Have you always dreamed of traveling the world to beautiful destinations while simultaneously making five-figure months?

In today’s episode, my special guest is Hollie Lowes. Hollie is a Canadian entrepreneur, now based out of Europe, and is quite the traveler! Hollie is able to travel the world while making 6 figures per year by serving online experts as a Facebook and Instagram Strategist.

Hollie started as a virtual assistant and for years did odd-job random work, but she was really able to catapult her online career after joining Serve Scale Soar, niching down and is now a fully booked Facebook ads manager. After a short amount of time dedicating herself to learning ads management, she was able to scale her business while significantly cutting back her weekly and monthly hours worked.

Additionally, she now has two online memberships. The Virtual Bizwiz teaches travel lovers how to start a successful online business and the second membership is for people who want to DIY their ad services.

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< – Value Bombs:


  • Why it is worth it to invest in yourself, especially when it comes to certain skills and training
  • How to overcome the mindset that you need to work more hours to make more money
  • The secret to getting discovery calls on your books consistently
  • How to build relationships with potential clients and make an impression with new clients that will last longer than anything else
  • Hollie’s biggest challenge as a Facebook Ads Manager so far and how she overcame it
  • What to do to increase revenue once you’ve plateaued with the number of clients you’re able to take on
  • The single best piece of business advice Hollie has ever received


I hope that we’ve been able to show you the value of not only niching down but also investing in yourself and your business.  I loved having Hollie on the show to share her journey from an overwhelmed and overworked virtual assistant to a successful, traveling ads manager. 


Resources Mentioned: 


Dubsado< affiliate link 

Clickup < affiliate link 

Dollars Flow To Me Easily

Follow Hollie on Instagram @backpacksandbudgets

** This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you if you use one of the links to purchase. This helps keep the podcast going and I only share products I have used, tested and love.”


Additional Resources:


Don’t forget to sign up for my free training >> How to Scale to Consistent 10K Months Without Hiring a Team 

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Meet Brandi

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Brandi Mowles is the host of the Serve Scale Soar podcast which is a podcast dedicated to helping service-based entrepreneurs scale their online business to five-figure months so they can soar into six-figure years. Brandi is a wife, mom and in less than one year, created a six-figure business.   Now she is spilling all her secrets so you can too.


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