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Serve Scale Soar® Podcast

222: Overwhelmed with Onboarding? Try This.

Brandi on the phone with an iced coffee with the podcast episode title below

Overwhelmed with Onboarding? Try this. 

How to Streamline Client Onboarding and Maintain Control of Your Ad Management Business

Client onboarding is a crucial, yet time-consuming part of being a freelancer or running an ad management business. When multiple clients are coming in simultaneously, it can be overwhelming to handle all the moving pieces. Onboarding brings mixed emotions – the joy of a growing client base and revenue, but also the stress of managing multiple clients at once. This week, I’m presenting a game-changing approach that will revolutionize your onboarding process: the Staggered Onboarding Approach.

The Challenge of Onboarding

To begin, I address the common challenges freelancers and business owners face when onboarding multiple clients at the same time. The excitement of a bustling business can quickly turn into feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion. Onboarding involves numerous tasks such as discovery calls, setting up accounts, coordinating kick-off calls, and understanding client requirements, making it time-consuming and intricate.

The Staggered Onboarding Approach

I introduce the Staggered Onboarding Approach as the solution to streamline the onboarding process. The approach transforms the way freelancers and business owners onboard clients, particularly in situations where multiple clients are seeking your services simultaneously. By implementing this method, you can avoid missing essential steps, ensure client satisfaction, and prevent overwhelming workloads that lead to burnout.

Implementing the Staggered Onboarding Approach

The key to successfully incorporating the staggered onboarding method is strategic planning. I explain the process of scheduling onboarding days to manage client load effectively. Within my own business, I found the importance of setting a specific day for discovery calls and designating separate days for onboarding. This not only maintains a structured schedule but also instills a sense of urgency for clients to secure their onboarding spot by signing contracts and paying invoices promptly.

Professionalism and Overwhelm Management

By communicating the next available onboarding date to potential clients, freelancers and business owners showcase professionalism and create a sense of exclusivity. The prescribed onboarding days help prevent overcommitment and ensure that no client is neglected or rushed through the onboarding process. It also builds confidence and a professional image when discussing onboarding timelines with potential clients.

Calculated Onboarding Schedule

I emphasize the need for a well-planned onboarding schedule that accounts for factors such as vacations, seasonal changes, and personal commitments. By aligning the onboarding days with the overall business calendar, one can effectively manage client intake and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

The Impact of Staggered Onboarding on Business

The staggered onboarding approach not only alleviates overwhelm but also enhances the overall efficiency and professionalism of the business. It sets the stage for scaling and growth without compromising the quality of service or succumbing to burnout.

The Path to 6-Figure Success

My mission to ensure that businesses can achieve six-figure success while working less than 20 hours per week resonates with many freelancers and business owners. Incorporating the staggered onboarding approach aligns with this vision, allowing professionals to create substantial income while maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Joining The Strategist Society

For those already experiencing significant business growth and aiming for more extensive support, I’m extending an invitation to join The Strategist Society. This community offers personalized support, guidance, and a network of driven digital marketers focused on achieving ambitious goals. DM Brandi @brandimowles with the word SOCIETY to see if we can help you reach your goals.


The implementation of the Staggered Onboarding Approach can be a game-changer for freelancers and business owners, enabling them to maintain control over their workload, improve client satisfaction, and elevate their professionalism. By adopting this method, professionals can work towards significant growth while managing their time and resources efficiently.

In conclusion, this strategic approach to onboarding not only addresses the challenges of managing multiple clients but also sets the stage for sustainable growth and success in the ad management business.


Here’s A Glance Of The Episode: 

00:00 Implementing a staggered onboarding for better client support and ease.

06:40 Using staggered onboarding for time efficiency and work-life balance.

07:44 Consider staggered onboarding for professional growth.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Onboarding multiple clients at once can lead to overwhelm, even during successful months.
  2. Staggered onboarding can be a game changer for managing client load and minimizing overwhelm.
  3. By only onboarding one client per week, professionals can manage their workload effectively, while also establishing a sense of urgency around proposal and invoice submission which can help with client commitment.
  4. Staggered onboarding not only reduces overwhelm but also presents the professional as organized and in demand.
  5. Planning specific onboarding dates, considering personal schedules and availability is crucial as the goal is to achieve success with fewer hours worked, allowing for a fulfilling personal life.
  6. Implementing staggered onboarding will enhance professionalism, resulting in a more successful business.

and so much more. 

Loved This Episode? Check Out More Here. ⬇️


Additional Resources

DM Brandi @brandimowles on Instagram “society” to learn more.

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Meet Brandi

Brandi Mowles is the host of the Serve Scale Soar® podcast which is a podcast dedicated to helping service-based entrepreneurs scale their online business to five-figure months so they can soar into six-figure years. Brandi is a wife, mom and in less than one year, created a six-figure business. Now she is spilling all her secrets so you can too.

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