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Serve Scale Soar® Podcast

21: Leave Your Corporate Job, Systematize Your Business and Scale to $10k Months with Greg Tosi

Serve Scale Soar Greg Tosi

Are you hoping to leave your 9-5 this year but aren’t sure how to make it happen? If you are someone who is thinking you want to bring home your spouse or maybe you just want to be home with your kids, then this is going to be an episode you won’t want to miss!  


Today I have my first guy on the podcast and he is a very special one.  I am excited for you to meet Greg who is one of the members of Serve Scale Soar as well as the Inner Circle Mastermind.  


At this time last year, Greg was working in his corporate job and now he is home with his wife and two kids (soon to be 3!!).  Greg was able to systematize his business and now he is bringing in over $10,000/month as a Facebook and Instagram ad strategist for coaches, course creators and membership site owners.

Value Bombs:

  • Greg talks about what may go through your mind as you prepare to leave a corporate job 
  • What steps Greg took to prepare to leave corporate America 
  • How living below your means can help your transition smoother
  • Doing all the things is a recipe for mental exhaustion in your business 
  • Having more offerings does NOT mean you make more money 
  • How Greg was able to systematize his business to save over 50% of his work hours 
  • How niching down allows you to focus and stand out in a crowded online space 
  • Money doesn’t change people, it amplifies people. 
  • You decide what success looks like to you: it’s not always about money
  • You must give yourself grace and keep the faith going on your business journey

Wrap Up:

What did you guys think?  Isn’t Greg incredible?! Greg has worked hard to get to where he is today and now he gets to spend his days with his wife and kids WHILE running a successful business from home.  

Greg’s story is such a great reminder that building a business doesn’t just happen overnight.  Greg worked part-time for 3 years WHILE working his corporate job before he finally made the decision to leave.  He set himself up financially when he left so his business wasn’t a burden on his family if he didn’t replace his income right away. 

Don’t forget to take a screenshot of this episode and share your wins with me! No win is too small! Every Wednesday in my membership we celebrate wins of all sizes and the members love encouraging each other one win at a time! 

If you are ready to join Greg and so many others inside the Serve Scale Soar membership make sure to go to to check out my free training.  This training will give you the information you need to know about scaling to consistent $10,000 months without hiring a team.  

I hope you all enjoyed this week’s episode!

Where You Can Connect with Greg:

Connect with Greg on Facebook 

Resources Mentioned in Today’s Episode: 

Clickup (this is my affiliate link) → 

Snag It Screen Capture

My Interview with Rick Mulready

Additional Resources:

Don’t forget to sign up for my free training >> How to Scale to Consistent 10K Months Without Hiring a Team 

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Meet Brandi

Brandi Mowles is the host of the Serve Scale Soar podcast which is a podcast dedicated to helping service-based entrepreneurs scale their online business to five-figure months so they can soar into six-figure years. Brandi is a wife, mom and in less than one year, created a six-figure business.   Now she is spilling all her secrets so you can too.

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