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Serve Scale Soar® Podcast

42: From Laid Off to 5-Figure Months as an OBM with Corinne Blagg


Have you ever wondered how the heck you’re supposed to scale your business as an OBM, a project manager, an executive assistant, or a virtual assistant? Do you question if your service is even scalable?

I truly believe today’s guest, Corinne Blagg, is going to break a lot of belief barriers that you are holding on to. 

Corinne lives in northern Vermont with her husband, and two kids. She is an OBM who helps online coaches focus on their zone of genius so they can spend their time on that, and she can spend time taking care of all the other things for them.

As a Certified Online Business Manager with 10 years of experience as an Account Manager for a HUGE online travel agency, she’s gotten a behind the scenes look at a lot of businesses. She has seen what systems and marketing strategies work and which ones don’t, and she’s here today to share her knowledge and expertise to help your business grow. 

She is sharing with us her journey to becoming an online business manager and everything she’s learned along the way, including how she boosted her income to almost 10x more than when she started out.


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Value Bombs:


  • What an OBM is and does
  • How to let life happen and roll with the punches
  • The freedom that being an online service provider can give to a military wife
  • How to grow your business with a newborn on your hip
  • Why niching down makes you an easier referral
  • The value of scaling your business as an OBM
  • How to add revenue when you don’t want to take on more retainer clients
  • What Corinne Blagg’s 90-minute intensives look like, and how much she charges
  • How your business can help you have a bigger impact on others


Corinne has done amazing things with her business, and I’m so inspired by her desire to give back and serve others. 

Starting out as an online business manager, or really any online service provider, might seem overwhelming, but you can do it! Corinne is an example of the success and happiness that you can achieve if you keep that dream in sight and stick to it. 

Consider setting aside sometime this week to think about how you might implement what you’ve learned today in your own business. 

I’ll catch you back here next week!



Resources Mentioned:


22: Amber Dugger: Transforming Your Business Finances to Set Yourself Up for Massive Success In Your Business and Life


Profit First Book


Where to Find Corinne:


Corinne’s Website

Follow Corinne on Facebook

Follow Corinne on Instagram


Additional Resources:


Don’t forget to sign up for my free training >> How to Scale to Consistent 10K Months Without Hiring a Team 

Subscribe to the Podcast

Follow Brandi on Instagram 

Follow Brandi on Facebook

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Meet Brandi

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Brandi Mowles is the host of the Serve Scale Soar podcast which is a podcast dedicated to helping service-based entrepreneurs scale their online business to five-figure months so they can soar into six-figure years. Brandi is a wife, mom and in less than one year, created a six-figure business.   Now she is spilling all her secrets so you can too.


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